Interesting Facts


Did you know that drawing generates incredible possibilities in development of genius in children?

80% of our perception of the world is mediated through vision. We receive most information about shapes, colors and amplitude through our eyes. Most of our thoughts, dreams and fantasies have formed with the help of pictures.

In ancient civilizations drawing had been an important part of educational process. Through art kids developed spatial thinking, studied geometry and learned to write. Historically, greatest science and art development parallels the rise of the society with better artistic education and tastefulness.

Why drawing lessons are important
for preschool children? They

  • Develop fine motor skills
  • Help strengthen hands for future writing
  • Train memory
  • Teach children to reason and compare
  • Teach perseverance and discipline
  • Develop spatial imagination and analytical thinking
  • Develop ingenuity
  • Develop individuality
  • Train to work hard on a project
  • Build a stronger personality
  • Help coping with emotions
  • Enrich child’s inner world
  • Educate taste
  • Liberate the child making him happy

Modern psychologists claim that drawing helps to improve brain function. As you know, our brain is formed by two hemispheres. The left and right hemispheres of our brain process information in different ways. The right hemisphere is responsible for non-verbal abstract thinking and information processing, while the left hemisphere is responsible for the verbal information and analytical thinking. In most cases, we use the left hemisphere. Today, many of us are good strategists and analysts, but only those who develop both hemispheres can see the immense beauty of nature and the world(aka “be happy”).

During the drawing lessons, the right hemisphere is dominant, and thus it develops and works. You don’t have to become an artist, but it is important to develop your brain, isn’t it?

French writer Denis Diderot, philosopher, educator and art critic who published  “Encyclopedia, or Explanatory Dictionary of Sciences, Arts and Crafts,” once said: “The country in which learned to paint as taught to read, would soon surpassed all countries in all the arts.”

It is important to know


Drawing/painting for kids up to 3 y.o. interests him due to the imprint a baby can leave on a piece of paper of other surface. Preschool kids (3 to 5) are usually interested in the process, and older kids are interested in the result.

Please, never judge/ scold a child for the way he painted his piece, because it could result in loss of interest in painting. Your kid paints not to be judged (and not to create something cute), he explores the world through his work.

When a child draws, he thinks. He compares different items, studies the subject, develops taste, expresses his inner world, his feelings and thoughts.

– Children learn more in a group – they can compare their own figures with figures of others, they notice more interesting details. In the future it would help them explore the works of great artists and enjoy art.

Please, remember that all kids are born gifted!

Painting can affect a person, either positively or negatively. Ancient philosophers knew a lot about it. Creating a picture, a person transfers his emotional state on canvas
Psychology suggests that a person moves away from the bustle of her everyday life when she paints or draws. While drawing, you learn to dive into another world, the world of lines and colors, where everything is different. Thus, you develop the ability to perceive the world in all its fullness and brightness. And in the future, due to developed capabilities of your brain (yes, right hemispheres, there you go), you will find new and original solutions at work and at home
Drawing develops motor skills in kids, helping to perceive colors and shades. It also develops imagination and trains memory. It won’t hurt to upgrade those skills during adulthood too.

Painting helps to relax, to relieve stress and emotional strain. If we talk about relaxation, useful and exciting experience of 2-hour painting session is comparable to a 2-hour visit to a SPA salon.

Art Therapy can treat a lot of psychological problems. Drawing is one of the best methods to release emotions and override stress.

British artist Adrian Hill had worked in a sanatorium for people with tuberculosis, where he discovered the therapeutic benefits of drawing and painting while convalescing.

Actually, there are other kinds of art therapy – music therapy, body-oriented therapy, fairytale therapy.

Art therapy emerged in the context of psychoanalytic views of Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud, who believed that use of imagination and freedom of expression would allow to  arrange a duel between the patient’s unconscious and conscious.

Art therapy can be primary or secondary treatment. Anyway, art therapy triggers two mechanisms. Art helps reconstructing the symbolic traumatic conflict situation and resolving it through new formation. Creativity helps to overcome fears that appear due to the presence of internal conflict.

Also, art therapy is an act of creation, and gives pleasure to the person who creates.The  important part is that a person expresses his feelings freely and spontaneously, not worrying  about the artistic merits of his work. Creative act itself is essential, as well as the specifics of the inner world of the creator.

-Art therapy usually helps primary treatment.

– Through art therapy, one can reduce stress and unwind. It’s a very acceptable way of dealing with negative feelings.

– Art therapy works with hidden  thoughts and feelings. In some cases, it is the best way to express emotions and feelings.

-Therapy of this kind helps to focus on feelings and sensations. Art therapy provides a good opportunity to experiment with person’s visual and kinesthetic sensations.

Art therapy is used for psycho-correction —people can express themselves through  drawing, sculpting, dance, songs— and this can help overcoming problems, conflicts and difficult situations.

Therapy helps raising self-esteem and optimistic feelings, which also can help fighting against some diseases.

-Art therapy usually helps primary treatment.

– Through art therapy, one can reduce stress and unwind. It’s a very acceptable way of dealing with negative feelings.

– Art therapy works with hidden  thoughts and feelings. In some cases, it is the best way to express emotions and feelings.

-Therapy of this kind helps to focus on feelings and sensations. Art therapy provides a good opportunity to experiment with person’s visual and kinesthetic sensations.

Art therapy is used for psycho-correction —people can express themselves through  drawing, sculpting, dance, songs— and this can help overcoming problems, conflicts and difficult situations.

Therapy helps raising self-esteem and optimistic feelings, which also can help fighting against some diseases.

There are  categories  of potential patients, for example

-children with learning difficulties

-kids who experience anxiety while in a group;

-stressed adults, especially those affected by severe stress due to life-changing problems or illness  – their own or their loved one’s;

-people in a depressive state;

-patients after traumatic brain injury

Arsenal of art therapy is extensive. There are

-drawing, which helps expressing problems, hopes and fantasies. Drawing is easier than talking about problems to a doctor: a barrier of self-censorship is removed when a person draws, and the door to the subconscious opens;



-play therapy


Art therapy as a common method for treating depression and neuroses, it has been used in medical practice for decades. It helps to get rid of unwanted emotions, to release inner aggression, and to expand creatively. No special skills are needed,  as the most common art therapy technique is spontaneous drawing — it  teaches a person to trust himself and gives a sense of undivided freedom.